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  • What is a whistleblower?
    “Exposure of any kind of activity that is deemed illegal, unethical or not correct within an organisation that is either private or public.” Wikipedia For more information on what whistleblowing is and what legislative protections are available, see the link below.
  • How can I recieve updates about the work of this APPG?
    Click on the "News" tab and sign up to the newsletter to receive the latest updates in our newsletter, or live updates can be found on our twitter page. Also, keep an eye on our blog, where we write short pieces updating you on news surrounding any changes or developments regarding all things related to whistleblowers in the UK.
  • How can I support this APPG?
    We appreciate all offers of help because we know that we will only achieve our aims by working together. People working with us really can make a difference. Support can be given in many ways, finiancially, your time, fillng out our surveys to aid data collection, getting others to do the same, talking about the importance whistleblowers in the workplace and challeging negative culture and perceptions when you come across them. These are all incredibly important steps that will drive success of this APPG.
  • I would like to get directly involved with this APPG.
    Feel free to contact us with any ideas, feedback or opinions on how we are doing and how you think we could do better!
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